Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New projects, old projects, projects that haven't even been started!

So a lot has happened since my last post(july 11th), aka getting married.

The project that I was doing over the summer isn't finished, but will be by this winter time. I learned some valuable lessons and ran out of time before the wedding. Then school started.
Now I am starting to work on my thesis and hope to keep a good log of my progress on here.

I also made a new reel in which you can see segments from the music video I worked on over the summer. Look for the cut-out animation with all the tentacles.

Here is my reel.

questions? comments?


  1. Hi Mr stuart! I know that this is probably an older version, but cool shiiiiz! What is the titel of the music you've used? and is there a full version of the film with the dude growing something out of his face? Salut!
