Monday, June 20, 2011

Living the dream.

I want to make films full time.  I want to tell stories that inspire people and give a personalable yet relatable perspective on life.  If I could do this full time.  If I could I would be living the dream. 

My life is very rewarding (but I kind of want more).

I am content with my life.  I am truly blessed. I have a wife and a my first son that is due in early August.  I have a full time job and am now understanding how valuable it is to be able to support a family.  Its sick! 

I don't want my contentment to box me in.

  I want to learn to hold contentment in one hand and ambitious zeal in the other.  I am happy with my life as it is, but also excited for what it could be.

All these thoughts swirl in my head because I have been toying with the idea of going back to school for my Masters.  I feel like this would allow me a few opportunities.  First I would get to meet a whole slew of people.  I love collaborating, so meeting new people dedicated to telling stories is a must. The obvious benefit is more training by people who are very skilled. I also would like to teach at the university level some day (after a bit more experience).

I have a few questions in closing:
  • Where did/do you go to school? 
  • How do you "live the dream"? 
  • Any tips for me?

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